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Positivity refers to the ability to be positive and optimistic about your outlook and attitude. It is seeing the glass half-full, not half-empty. Positive thinking makes you more likeable and pleasant, and it also has many benefits for your mental health and physical well-being. Positive self-esteem is a key factor in feeling positive about yourself. Regular exercise can make us feel better mentally and physically. Women who exercise are often more positive than those who don’t.

The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

Regular full-body workouts, such as the Curves Circuit and MyCurves On Demand are good for your physical health. Combining strength training, cardio and stretching for women can help reduce your risk of many diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain forms of cancer. It can strengthen your bones and muscles, and help you lose weight. Regular exercise is a great way to improve brain health, prevent depression, anxiety, and reduce memory loss.

These are just a few of the many ways that exercise can impact your mental and emotional well-being.

Strength training and aerobic exercise can help with emotional stress. Exercise appears to help our bodies practice the stress response. Emotional stress causes an increase in heart rate, sweating, and a surge of adrenaline. To overcome the challenge, our bodily systems communicate with each other. Similar events occur when we take Curves classes or hit the Curves circuit. A tough workout helps us prepare for any work project or life stressors.

Regular total body exercises like the Curves Circuit can help you increase self-confidence and self-esteem. You will be completing a complete body workout if you do a mix of strength training and aerobic exercise. You’ll see results if you do this workout consistently and include a healthy diet plan. You might lose weight, slim down a bit, or notice a change in your muscle tone and strength. You will be proud of the results you see when you look in the mirror. These results will do wonders to your self-esteem.

Exercise can make you feel happy, but not too high. Your body releases endorphins, chemicals that reduce muscle pain. Studies have shown that exercise and endorphins can be linked. The long-held belief that exercise can produce a “runner’s high” or euphoric feeling, has been questioned over the last few years. Researchers have discovered that endorphins do not cross into your brain from your blood. You may feel a “high” after you complete an aerobic workout. This could be because of chemicals called endocannabinoids that help reduce anxiety and calm you down.

Strength training for women can help you build strength in every area of your life. You will notice a gradual increase in strength and flexibility when you do a full-body workout such as the Curves Circuit, which includes resistance training. Each 30-minute session will help you build balance and muscle strength. You will find it easier to carry heavy groceries, dust light fixtures or fans, and piggyback your grandkids or children. You will feel a boost in your self-confidence and self-esteem when you can see the changes happening and feel your body moving in a positive way.

You will feel empowered and proud of your accomplishments. Tracking your progress towards achieving your goals is a great way to gauge the success of your whole body workouts. These goals can be very short-term, such as completing the Curves class or the 30-minute circuit. You can also set long-term goals, like I want to lose a size in my bathing suit before I go to the Caribbean. S.M.A. is the best goal. R.T.–specific and measurable, achievable. Relevant, time-bound. It is unrealistic to expect 80 pounds weight loss in just three months. While it’s okay to have an end goal in your journey, you should set achievable mini-goals as well. I would like to lose three pounds in the first week and then cut down on processed meats. Then, I’d like to go to Curves four more times and then take three Curves classes.

Clear your mind with Curves exercises. You can focus on your body while you do the Curves Circuit, or in Curves classes. This helps you to get rid of any unnecessary worries. You can learn to be more present and mindful through exercise, which you can carry with you when you leave Curves.

Happiness and exercise are closely linked. Regular physical activity is as effective as medication in treating depression, according to research. A 2020 study of more than 2,000 participants found that regular exercise was associated with better happiness and life satisfaction in all age groups, including those who were middle-aged, older, and younger.

The mental benefits of exercising are just as important as the physical ones. Curves is a great way to build your social circle, as you’ll be surrounded by supportive, friendly women. Check out Curves’ women’s gym in your area if you aren’t already a member!